Dr. Jennifer Fisher practices gentle, specific chiropractic methods to allow your body to heal naturally with attention to restoration and maintenance of the Spine and nerve function.
Dr. Fisher will analyze your spine using palpation of muscles, bones and range of motion in order to decide the best course of care for your case. She will decide if Spinal X-Rays or other tests are necessary to further evaluate your case and will determine if referral to another health care provider is needed.
As you begin treatment more frequent visits will be required and as you heal you will be able to come in less frequently until you reach a maintenance care stage where occasional visits will ensure your subluxations are removed before they cause any harm. We will seek to increase your spinal stability by removing your subluxations with a specific spinal adjustment. During the healing phase there needs to be time allowed for your muscles and ligaments to adapt to the correction. As you heal you may feel symptoms related to healing. Please feel free to ask any questions you might have regarding our services.
Chiropractic treatment takes time to eliminate the underlying causes of your initial complaint. The regenerative process of healing damaged tissue takes time. Please keep in mind that everyone heals at a different rate, but everyone does heal.
Dr. Jennifer Fisher is a 2004 cum laude graduate of Sherman College of Straight Chiropractic in Spartanburg, SC. She earned her bachelor’s degree from Rutgers University in New Brunswick, NJ. She attended Hopewell Valley Central High School and graduated in 1994. Dr Fisher holds post graduate hours in Sacral Occipital Technique, Network Technique Pediatrics and Animal Adjustment methods.
Yours in Health,
Jennifer Fisher, DC
Activator Method
Advanced BioStructural Correction
Applied Kinesiology
Cervical Drop Headpiece
Clinical Kinesiology
Cranio-Sacral Therapy
Manual Adjusting
Sacro Occipital Technique
Toggle Recoil
Upper Cervical